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"In Ray I found someone biographers usually only dream of.  With him it was not just a matter of checking details of events!  The long past was like a corner shop which he could pop round to like a boy sent on an errand, and he enjoyed the remembering." - from Byron Rogers' biography of JL Carr


The Life and Times of a Yorkshire Railwayman as Told Through his Writings and Journals


This collection of writings and journals is compiled into what is essentially the autobiography of Ray Carr, elder brother of JL.  It covers his career on the railways from 1922 to 1970 and delves inside elements of the family history.  There are glimpses into the people and places which may have served as inspiration for characters in JL Carr's novels.

Visions Afar: The Journal of RW Carr 1905 - 2005

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    Dimensions: 26 x 19cm (10.25 x 7.5")

    Perfect bound paperback.  205 pages including 21 colour and B&W picture galleries.  Compiled by JD Bramley and AR Gamble.

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